Indian Embassy In Ghana : Location, Contacts, Indian High Commissioner

The bilateral relations between Ghana India have traditionally been strengthened over the years, and the Indian Embassy in Ghana has played a vital role.

There has remained a lively cooperation linking Ghana and India in terms of trade and investment.

Ghana has benefited immensely from India’s assistance in human resources development through the Indian Technical and economic cooperation.

There are many more Ghana has gained from their relations with India, which are very evident in the country’s progress so far.

However, If you are a citizen of Ghana, you should be happy such relations keep existing for many more years. Why am I saying this?

India is fast growing and has a very healthy economy. As a Ghanaian, you can take advantage of this relation and exploit it to your benefits.

The Indian Embassy in Ghana is the representation of the Indian Government in Ghana.

The embassy is also obligated to maintain and promote the relations between the countries.

Who Is The Current Ambassador Of India Embassy In Ghana

His Excellency, Mr. Sugandh Rajaram, is the ambassador and head of the Indian mission to Ghana. With his rich experience in the foreign service, he has been a hard-working man.

He has added a lot to the administration since his appointment and still doing more.

Moreso, the embassy is also mandated to ensure all Indian citizens living in Ghana are well protected.

EmbassyCare has conducted very detailed research about the Indian Embassy, and we welcome you once again, read to know all the relevant information in the next section as we give you details on where you can locate the embassy.

See this guide: British High Commission In Ghana.

The Indian Embassy In Ghana Location

This section of the post explains to you details on how to locate the embassy, most people always think you need a certain kind of qualification before you can go near the embassy, but that is a false thought.

Embassies are opened to serve the general public, and it does not take into account your class.

However, you can not visit the embassy all the time since they do not operate 24hours per day, therefore before you visit them, you must go there at the right time recommended.

Accra, the capital city of Ghana, is where the Indian Embassy is located.within the city of Accra, their location is effortless to find

Directions To Quickly Locate The India Embassy Office In Accra

You can follow the directions below to locate them quickly.

Using a car, driving from the 37 military Hospital, pass on the Achimota road, on the Achimota road to Kanda Highway crossing.

Take a right turn, precisely at the gold house roundabout “Y” junction pass on the way to the left going to Roman ridge.

Immediately after the M-Plaza hotel, the India High Commission is located at the corner on the left.

You can use the street address below to locate them.

Here is the location address of the Indian Embassy in Accra: High Commission of India, No. 9 Ridge Road, Roman Ridge, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana.

Read this also: Locate The Cuban Embassy In Accra.

How To Contact The Indian Embassy In Ghana

There are various options from which you can contact the Indian Embassy in Ghana, but the embassy has strictly recommended all inquiries should be channeled through their email address.

Although they have a telephone number provided, it is only for emergency cases. We advise that you take the necessary precautions and abide by it.

Contact Indian Embassy In Ghana
Contact The Indian High Commission In Ghana

Choose any of their contact details below and contacts them.

The contact phone number for the Indian Embassy in Ghana is +233-263009485 (for only emergency cases).

If you have any visa and scholarship concerns, you can refer to the consular section of this post.

You can send them an email on their official email address below.

The official email of the embassy in Accra is

Another good option available is that you can write a letter to the embassy.

Post your letter to their official postal address below;

Here is the postal address of the Indian Embassy in Accra:

High Commission of India,
No.9 Ridge Road, Roman Ridge,
P.O. Box CT-5708
Accra, Ghana.

Recommended reading: Ultimate Guide To Australian High Commission In Ghana.

Consulate of India In Ghana

Are you aware the Indian embassy in Ghana has a consulate also? Well, the Indian High Commission has a Consular department which takes charge of all consular-related issues.

Many of you are of the mindset that you need to pay a bribe for visa application, take note that all that is false.

There are requirements you must provide, and once you have done all that and verified, you will be awarded a visa.

Mrs. Aruna Tirkey is the visa officer in charge of all visa applications and anything involving visas and scholarships.

Feel free to reach out to them for any assistance. You are the reason they are there.

For any scholarship and visa inquiry call this number: +233-307020907.

The Official Website Of The Indian High Commission

For more in-depth information about the Indian Embassy in Ghana, you need to visit their website for all guidelines on how you can book an appointment, apply for a visa, etc.

The site loads very fast, and its navigation is very smooth.

However, due to security reasons, you need to make sure you are visiting the official website of the embassy.

How do you know if that the official website? Do not worry. We will show you that in a moment.

It is simple, use the web address below to visit the Indian Embassy in Ghana website.


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