UBA Bank Nigeria Chairman, Find Out Below

Do you ever get curious about who is the UBA Bank Nigeria chairman?

Or else I would ask; do you want to know the chairman (the one who people say owns UBA group)?

Well, that will happen in a few; I would take the pleasure of you reading down this article to find out who it is and all that you want to know about him. 

This article has been precisely drafted for you and those who want to know this person deeply and understand where he has come from and how he can do such a great job managing the UBA group.

Who Is The UBA Bank Nigeria Chairman?

As I had promised earlier, I will take you through the chairman of the UBA group and his history.

The chairman of the UBA group is Tony Onyemaechi Elumelu. He was born on the 22nd March 1963 in Jos plateau in Nigeria, and he is a Nigerian economist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist.

Mr. Elumelu is the chairman of other organizations, including the Heir holdings and Transcorp.

Also, the UBA Chairman is the founder of the Tony Elumelu’s Foundation.

Mr. Elumelu has two degrees in economics from Nigerian Universities, a bachelor’s degree from Ambrose Alli University, and a master’s degree from the University of Lagos.

Mr. Elumelu has been married to Dr. Awele Vivien since 1993, and they have been blessed with seven children.

He started his career back in the Union Bank as a Youth Corp member of the national youth service Corp in 1985, and he acquired Standard Trust Bank in 2005 and the UBA afterward.

He transformed a Nigerian bank into a Pan-African bank with its subsidiaries in 20 countries here in Africa.

Mr. Elumelu sits on the Nigerian president’s Agricultural transformation Implementation Council (ATIC), and he serves as an advisor to the USAID’s private capital group for Africa (PCGA) partners forum. 

He engineered to create of 3 million jobs in one year at the federal government’s invitation and the presidential jobs board.

The UBA Chairman also served as a member of the Global Advisory board of the United Nations Sustainable Energy for all initiative (SE4ALL).

He was named in the Time’s 100 most influential people in the world.

Tony Elumelu is now estimated to have a net worth of over $1 billion as of 2021.

Is Tony Elumelu retired from the UBA group?

Mr. Elumelu retired from the UBA bank in July 2010, but he is still the chairman of the UBA bank.

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