How To Start A Daycare In Nairobi – Simple Business Idea

The daycare business requires passion. It requires an individual to have a love for babies and be able to take care of them.

Steps to start a daycare business in Nairobi

  •  Write down a business plan that will help guide you on how to use the funds and expenses on the daycare business.
  • The next step is to acquire all the necessary permits from the right departments, including health, so that your business can run smoothly.
  •  Rent a space that you will use to run the daycare and design it to become a welcoming environment for the kids. In short, it’s like a home away from home.
  • Buy all the necessary furniture and equipment for the business to run well. Baby cribs, toys, chairs, and tables are some of the things you will need.
  •  Make sure to register at the Kenya Revenue Authority’s official website for tax filing and returns.
  •   Find a suitable and serene location to set up your business. Let it be somewhere safe and sound with peace and serenity, especially for the little kids.
  • Advertise and market your business to get more customers. One can use posters as well as advertise them on social media.
  • Create a budget and save or loan the capital to start.
  • As the business grows, one will need to hire employees, look for competence with kids, and keep them safe and entertained.

Types of daycares

Before venturing into this business, you must decide which type of daycare you will be diving into. There are different categories of daycares which include;

Restricted age-limit daycare centers-For this daycare, there are kindergarten restrictions to certain ages. They mostly accept younger children.

Free-age daycares-For this daycare, children of all age groups can be enrolled.

Daycares based on location is further divided into two;

Home-based daycare centers-This daycares are often based at home and are usually unlicensed.

Group daycare centers-This are licensed and run by professionals.

How much capital do I need to start a daycare in Nairobi?

Starting any business can be quite a lot, especially with the number of funds one will need. One can always start small then grow the business slowly with time.

With 150,000 Kenya shillings, one can rent a spacious room, buy some equipment and hire employees to help you run the business.

Is the daycare business profitable in Nairobi?

The daycare business though a little bit hectic, is quite profitable. Every parent actually wants what is best for their kids, and they will pay any value as long as they get it.

For a daycare, a parent may pay 2,000 to 3,000 Kenyan shillings for their kids. In a month, this can be estimated at 100,000 or 150,000 Kenya shillings. 

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