Assupol Life Cover Cashback, Easiest Way To Process CashBack

It is important to understand about Assupol life cover cashback if you have subscribed to the Assupol life cover.

The details you ought to know are when the cash is paid, what amount is paid, and who qualifies for the life cover cashback.

In this blog post, these are some of the questions I’ll be answering and more details about Assupol life cover.

About Assupol Life Cover

Assupol life cover is one of the Assupol products designed specifically for South Africans.

When you or a loved one becomes ill or disabled, the insurance will help financially.

Several families in South Africa have one parent who is the primary breadwinner; when that person is no longer there, the family becomes vulnerable.

If you are the breadwinner for your family, the Assupol life insurance might alleviate your concerns.

If the worst happens and you have an Assupol Life Cover policy, it will give security and safety to your loved ones.

You’ll also enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your loved ones are safe.

Assupol life insurance premiums are affordable. If you buy this insurance, you may rest confident that you will receive a tax-free lump sum payment if you die, become disabled, or suffer a serious disease.

The money can be used to pay off your bond or other debts, as well as living expenses and, if needed, continued medical treatment.

Additionally, the funds might be used to pay other expenses that arise during the morning.

About Assupol Life Cover Cashback

Assupol life cashback is a benefit to those who have life cover. Besides other benefits which come with this Assupol life cover, cashback is among them.

The cashback is available for a claim after a specified period according to the life cover plan you have opted for.

You can either get a loyalty Reward, 10% of premiums back, or 100% Cashback, all premiums back as Assupol life cover cashback.

It is important to note not everyone who has life cover qualifies for the cashback.

You need to have subscribed to either Progress 4Life Plan or Progress 4Sure Plan.

For the Progress 4Life Plan, the cashback is paid 1005 after or every 15 years if you don’t claim, while for the Progress 4Sure Plan the cashback is paid after or every ten years if you don’t claim.

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