Snail Farming In Nigeria – Learn How To Grow Snails For Money

When considering a viable agricultural business to start in Nigeria, snail farming might not be the first thing that comes to mind.

By comparison, it turns out to be a realistic and profitable business enterprise that has yet to be thoroughly explored.

This post is well-tailored to open your eyes to the number of secret riches that can be realized by beginning snail cultivation in Nigeria with a capital of N60,000 to N100,000.

Why Snail Farming?

Snails are delicious delicacies that are also commonly used in the beauty industry. This suggests that there is a strong demand for snails in Nigeria, though it is currently under-served.

What proof do I have? How many well-known snail farms do you know in the country, for example?

You’d say there aren’t many! This is to demonstrate that the demand is already untapped.

Snails have been handpicked from the field or bush for many years, and this has been the standard method of bringing snails to the market and dining table.

The demand for snails is currently greater than the supply, indicating that the business value of “Heliculture” (snail farming) is limitless, both locally and globally.

Often, since snails are normally scarce during the dry season, availability is poor, and demand is high, resulting in price increases. This means that a good snail farmer will make a lot of money from snail harvest.

As a result, the only way to fill the gaps between snail demand and supply is to start a small or large-scale snail farming enterprise.

Steps to Starting A Profitable Snail Farm in Nigeria

It will succeed in Nigeria if it has succeeded elsewhere! The five basic steps to starting a successful snail farming business in Nigeria are outlined below.

Step 1: Choose which snail species to raise

You must use only one kind of snail when constructing a snail farm. Snail species like Achatina achatina have been found to be ideal for warm climate regions like Africa.

Step 2: Prepare your farmland for habitation.

Your snail housing should have enough space for them to graze freely. Snail growth is hampered by overcrowding, so do not overcrowd your snailery. Overcrowding will lead to disease outbreaks, so make sure your snail housing is well-spaced.
Since snails are excellent at escaping from their confinement, you can try to build an escape-proof shelter. With a soil depth of ten (10) inches and trees surrounding it, you can use a pen house that will be spacious and open.

Step 3: Go out and buy some snails.

It’s time to actually buy some fresh quality snails from the market or some farm after you’ve set up proper housing and farmland for the snails. It’s still better to be able to inspect the snails before purchasing them to ensure that they’re stable.
Take a look at the snail’s shell. If there is a lip, it indicates that the snail is fully grown. You’ll want to get good, fully grown snails to lay eggs and help populate your snail farm when you first launch it.

Step 4 – Snail nutrition and rearing

Snails are vegetarians and can eat a variety of vegetables, including cabbage, cucumber, avocado, pineapple, eggplant, peach, carrot, pawpaw, and cassava okra leaves, and lettuce. Snails, on the other hand, may be fed mango, banana, or pawpaw.
Snail farming relies heavily on mating and egg production. Mating usually takes place in the spring and summer. Snails, as hermaphrodites, will fertilize each other as soon as they reach maturity. You should use high-quality soil with the correct temperature and humidity for the egg-laying to go smoothly.

Step 5 – Harvesting and selling of the snails In Nigeria

Harvesting snails before reaching maturity is not cost-effective; they must be fully grown before being harvested. Harvesting all of the matured snails at once to sell in the market is not a good idea. A few snails can be kept for breeding and as base stock for your snail farm.

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